How to chose vendors ?


It’s a very tricky question, but I’ll give you some tips how to pitch your vendor.

1. Never meet more than 3 vendors for each item, because it’ll confuse you even more than already is. There are about 7-10 items to celebrate a wedding as we known depend on the couple needs, so if you pitch more than 3 vendors you will waste a lot of your time. Study them first before you meet, so you can narrow from your budget and taste. There are many ways to study vendors, first is by recommendation from friend and family, second is by their profile and social media is very popular way to learn about vendors now a days. Finally, to see them closely by coming to their event and wedding exhibition. However,  for wedding exhibition make sure that you already know what you want to see because for some couple it get even more confusing. 

2. Which one should I chose first? Well most people will go for venue, but in my opinion if you are a very busy person and don’t have time for all the hustle you should go with a wedding planner. Why? because a wedding planner will give you insight about everything and a planner function as a consultant will help you a lot for decision making process; moreover, a good wedding planner can adjust you budget also. However, if you like all the hustle of all wedding preparation process and decide to do it your own you should go with the one that you will spend the most of your budget such as: venue, decoration, and catering (if you event not at the hotel). Then after that you can worry for the wedding dress, entertainment, invitation, etc.

3. This is what I learn over the years that some vendors are not transparent, so you have to be clear before making a deal. Due to marketing tools that vendor attract costumers sometime they only tell you half the truth and there are always term and condition. Many couple fall for this mistake, by the end of the day they have to pay more than with what they plan and some of them can get better vendor with the budget spent. Therefore, always be clear at first. read the contract carefully, ask for details until the execution, make sure you understand everything, be clear with what you want, and what you get from what you pay for with all the additional.

4. Finally, not every popular and expensive vendors are the best in the market, but some new kid on the block have the same quality. I know that most couples are new in the industry and it’s kind of hard to know the new trend and information without a wedding planner; however, you can always research according to your style as today social media is the platform. My advise never fall for big name and prestige, I know some vendors are popular because their connection and profile, but they don’t have the quality and for sure you can find better one with that kind of budget. 

Happy hunting and good luck.